How can Intelligent Chatbots Make the Brand User Friendly?

Category Artificial intelligence, Generative AI

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants are slowly making their way towards becoming the modern consumer’s first touchpoint towards interaction with a brand. From providers of information to reliable automation that assists consumers with their queries to become the front face of the company, Chatbots have evolved significantly over the years, making strides towards intelligence and self-governance.

In addition to being automation capable of solving problems on a real-time basis, chatbots have also become an incredible tool in engaging and keeping a consumer interested in the brand. Unique chatbot experiences are sought and cherished by its users.

There are a number of strategies that can be employed to significantly increase chatbot engagement. Two of the most common ways for going about this is to either create a sense of curiosity in the consumer or create touchpoints that surprise and delight the end-user. Both these ways significantly increase chatbot usage and often serve as the foundation on which other strategies are integrated. Here are a few other ways you can make your chatbots more interesting.

Build Chatbots that learn

Remove Monotony

Gamification of Functions

Gamification can be as complex as a quiz based on the previous information to reap rewards such as virtual medals, certificates, or even gift coupons. They can be as simple as giving the user a celebratory GIF. Another good strategy would be the ‘claiming’ of daily rewards or the announcement of special, limited bonuses only available during a very short period of time. Other forms of gamification could include the display of a competitive scoring of friends, point-based level up, and a reward system. The goal here is to ultimately make the consumer keep coming back for more.



Grab the User’s Attention with Push Notifications

Push Notifications, whether on mobile or desktop browsers will help grab the attention of users almost immediately. A popup hook accompanied by a notification sound may help redirect the user’s attention towards the chatbot and therefore prompt them into using it to help assist them better.

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